
The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Commission on the status of Women is a statutory body established under NWFP Act X1X 2009. It came in to being on May 13, 2010 in the backdrop of the devolution of powers and Federal Women Development Ministry.

Mandate of KPCSW under the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Commission on the Status of Women Act, 2016 The Commission shall:

(a) Examine the policy, programs, projects and other measures taken by Government, for women development and gender equality, to assess implementation and make suitable recommendations to the concerned authorities, where considered necessary for effective impact;
(b) Review all provincial laws, rules and regulations affecting the status and rights of women and suggest repeal, amendments or new legislations essential to eliminate discrimination, safeguard and promote the interests of women and achieve gender equality in accordance with the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and obligations under International Covenants and commitments;
(c) Monitor the mechanism and institutional procedures for redress of violation of women’s rights, individual grievances and facilities for social care, and undertake initiative for beer management and efficient provision of justice and social services through the concerned forums and authorities;
(d) Examine and review policies/programs and plans of each department to ensure that they address gender concerns adequately;
(e) Establish and constitute in consultation with the Government, District Committees, consisting of such number of members with female majority and to be headed by a female Chairperson on such terms and conditions and for such a period as may be prescribed through regulations to examine and review policies/programs and plans for each office in the district and to ensure that they address gender concerns adequately; provided that two female members of district council shall be added to the District Committee and meetings and quorum of the District Committee shall be such as prescribed by regulations;
(f) Provide guidelines to a District Committee for implementation and receive periodic reports on the implementation status to the Commission;

18th Inter Provincial Ministerial Group Meeting

Ms. Tabassum , Secretary Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Commission at National Conference organized by NCSW

The most basic purpose to establish the Commission was to have a regulatory monitoring body that can work with sister government organizations as well as with NGO’s towards the emancipation of women, equalization of opportunities including socio-economic condition among women and men. Also to eliminate all forms of discrimination/violations against women.

Commission has a mandate to conduct research on the issues related to the women of KPK especially those deprived women living in the remote areas of the province. These Researches will also be shared with the government of Khyber PakhtunKhwa and will help the legislators to concentrate on women issues including Gender Based Violence (GBV) . The Researches will also help the NGO sector to understand the current status of women in the light of facts provided through Research papers